Queen Anne and Fremont

Or, “Let’s walk until our feet fall off and then walk some more”

Saturday morning we decided to go do some exploring. The original plan was to “wander over to the Seattle Center, grab a pastry on the way, look at the Chihuly Garden and then maybe wander up to Queen Anne for lunch – maybe 3 miles of walking all in. We also debated going to Fremont, possibly by bus. This turned into a 9+ mile hike, of course.

NOTE: There are links to related web sites in the titles of each section below. Click on the blue text.

Map of our Tour

There’s a link below the map that will show a larger version.

View Saturday, September 22, 2012 in a larger map

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Yakima Valley Wine Tour #1 (of many)

Saturday we decided to get out of the city (and away from the boxes) and go tour some wineries in the Yakima valley, which is two-ish hours to the east over the Cascades. Two-ish hours if you’re in a Nissan Versa – probably more like 4 in a VLYT. Wine, you say? Why yes, we DO now live in a state with more than just a few crappy wineries! Check out this site: http://www.gotastewine.com/ or  http://www.winecountrywashington.org or this one: http://www.washingtonwine.org/. We used the first site – here’s the link to the Yakima Valley map and list: http://www.gotastewine.com/yakima-valley-wineries.php. Yes, there really ARE 107 wineries on the list, and, as we discovered, the list isn’t all-inclusive!

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